2022 Report Card: Nowhere to Hide (Except One Place)


What a brutal investing year.

The combination of runaway inflation…

Geopolitical shocks from Russia-Ukraine…

And the Fed’s monetary policy tightening…

All came together to send stocks, bonds, real estate and cryptocurrencies falling.

Just look at the stock market report card below, and you’ll agree…

There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide in 2022.

2022 Stock Market Report Card

As you review this performance (while trying not to spit out your coffee), consider this…

With two weeks to go, the Nasdaq could very well post its worst annual performance since its 40% drop in 2008.

You know that plenty of high-flying tech stocks have gotten decimated this year.

Many of them are down 50%, 70% or even 90%.


But that’s why trading is so important.

We’ve shown you – day after day – why it pays to be a trader in a volatile market.

So now, after seeing how everything else has done in 2022, here’s the big takeaway…



Since inception, The War Room has handed members an unweighted gain of 3.35% every 11.1 days, and we’ve maintained a 76% win rate. We’ve gotten it done in up markets, down markets and flat markets – even during the devastation of the 2022 investing year. In fact, we maintained our 76% win rate throughout 2022. As markets continue to get more and more volatile, your choice is clear. You can either get gut punched while everything continues to go lower… OR you can learn to trade and make money no matter whether the markets move up or down. To me, it’s a no-brainer. Trading is the best way to generate daily wealth no matter what the market is doing, which is why it’s critical for you to get inside The War Room. Our elite trading community will help you navigate the most volatile markets and still come out ahead. We’ve been doing it successfully for three years, and we have no intention of slowing down anytime soon.

As we head into 2023, join us inside The War Room and set yourself up for success.

As you can see from the 2022 performance stats above, there’s really no other logical choice.

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