This company has all the signals I look for in an insider buy

Our watchlist picks have been on fire this week.

Tuesday my colleague Nate Bear wrote about (MNDY) for an upcoming trade. He closed a 98.96% winner on the stock in 1 trading day later that morning.

Bryan Bottarelli also closed a 22% winner on TJX Corporation (his Wednesday watchlist pick) in a little over 1 hour.

This shows you the power of our daily watchlist newsletter. It gives you the chance to discover realtime trading opportunities you won’t find anywhere else – EVERY DAY.

I can only hope you’ve been following these picks and cashing in on them yourself.

Now let’s get to my pick for Friday.

To close out the week, I have one ticker with several key buying indicators.

The company is Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC).

SAIC is on my watchlist for several reasons – the first being insider buying.

As you’ll see in the chart above, there were multiple insider buys on SAIC last month, and both insider buys came from high-ranking officials.

Insiders only buy a stock for one reason – they think the price is going up. And as long as they report their purchases to the SEC – it’s perfectly legal!

SAIC also announced a new stream of income.

Earlier this week it won a $120 million, 5-year contract from the Naval Supply Systems Command to support the Technical Trading Group’s Pacific fleet training mission.

Lastly, SAIC is due to report earnings on Sept. 5. Earnings day can often serve as major catalyst and send a stock up or down. If the numbers are good, shares should go higher. If the shares fall, I plan to add to my position.

Action Plan: SAIC has had multiple insider buys over the past month and is due to report earnings on Sept. 5. It’s one of the many stocks on my watchlist right now.

To get access to my complete watchlist and see exactly how I’m playing it, click here to join The War Room.

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