“How I’m Trading the Most Bullish Month of the Year”

Hey Gang,

This has been a solid year of trading for me.

Since January, I’ve won +77% of the 106 setups I’ve taken in Profit Surge Trader.

With markets at all-time highs, a lot of folks would just wrap things up early and call it a year.

But as someone who’s made millions in the market over the past decade, I can tell you that I have no plans to let up on the gas.

We’re approaching the end of October and heading into one of the most bullish trading months of the year.

I plan to take full advantage of that with one particular stock that has paid me over 100% on the calls recently.

I’ll get to that stock at the end of this email. But first, here is my overall game plan for the next month.

Market Outlook

I know. I’ve been preaching caution for the last few weeks. And I still see a lot of problems in this market.

Yesterday, bonds took a significant hit while the indexes held close to all-time highs.

And the VIX hasn’t dropped, signaling that big money traders continue to hedge against the downside risk.

But I can’t ignore these stats.

Get this…

The S&P 500 closed November higher than it opened 73% of the time over the last 20 years.

The Nasdaq 100 closed higher than it opened a whopping 80% of the time.

Look, there is plenty to worry about. And I expect markets will eventually take a tumble.

However, stocks can and often do go much higher than most think.

So, until the market actually turns, I plan to stick with the momentum stocks that have fueled my recent success.

Right now, the S.A.M AI Scanner has four A+ setups on a stock with plenty of bullish momentum that moves to its own beat – Upstart (UPST).

Why I Like Upstart (UPST)

When my S.A.M AI Scanner shows multiple A+ setups on the same stock, I pay attention. But UPST has more going for it than just strong technical signals.

First off, this stock has a 30% short float. That means nearly a third of the available shares are sold short. When a heavily shorted stock starts moving up, those short sellers often rush to cover their positions, creating what we call a “short squeeze.”

Let me show you exactly what I mean.

Looking at the daily chart, UPST formed a perfect setup in early October that led to a 35% winner for us in Profit Surge Trader.

The setup had all three elements of my TPS strategy:

  1. TREND: A clear upward trajectory forming off the September lows
  2. PATTERN: A tight triangle consolidation with converging trend lines
  3. SQUEEZE: Notice those red dots at the bottom of the chart – that’s our squeeze indicator signaling a potential explosive move

When I saw this forming alongside multiple A+ signals from my S.A.M AI Scanner, I alerted members to the UPST $41 calls at $1.74. Three days later, we closed at $2.35.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting…

Looking at the hourly chart today, UPST is setting up another potential move with four fresh A+ signals. The setup looks remarkably similar to what we just profited from.

Despite the huge run in UPST, the stock is still holding near its highs, keeping short sellers who sold it short at the top trapped in the trade. And once momentum builds, we could get another short squeeze that sends the stock even higher.

Ready to Trade Like a Pro?

Finding setups like UPST isn’t easy – especially when you need to time both the technical pattern and the potential short squeeze. That’s exactly why I combined the S.A.M AI Scanner with Profit Surge Trader.

Every Monday at noon EST, I host a LIVE session where I:

  • Break down opportunities like UPST before they make their big moves
  • Share real-time trade alerts when stocks hit my key entry levels
  • Show you how my S.A.M AI Scanner spotted UPST’s multiple A+ readings
  • Answer your questions about managing trades through volatile markets

The power lies in the combination: The S.A.M AI Scanner finds the strongest setups, like it did with UPST’s multiple A+ readings, while our LIVE sessions walk you through exactly how to trade them. No more guessing about entries, exits, or position sizing.

Together, we can spot these opportunities early, just like we did with UPST’s recent 35% winner. And the best part? This wasn’t a one-off success – it’s a repeatable strategy we use week after week.

Ready to join me and start catching these momentum moves yourself?

Click here to secure your spot and join me in the next Profit Surge Trader LIVE session.

Let’s work together to build your trading success, one base hit at a time.

— Nate Bear

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