Is Your Bank Paying You?

In The War Room, the big banks are paying us!

Since the lows in March, I’ve been pounding the table telling War Room members to buy the big banks.

And now, members who listened are cashing in.

Here’s a sampling of what I have written – please pay attention to the date:

And more pointedly:

Here are the prices on May 13 and 14 compared with the highs of today:

War Room members have been cleaning up on the banking sector with gains in the triple digits on “Overnight Trades.”

Just take a look at what two were reporting…

“Thank you Karim WFC (Wells Fargo) in at 1.95 yesterday and out at 3.50 this morning.” – Mahdi, June 5 at 10:30 a.m.

“TY Karim for the Banks USB 40 Call Nest of 2, in @ 1.13 out @ 4.24, profit $617.40, 271.62% (one day trade).” – Raymond H., June 5 at 10:18 a.m.

Action plan: If the U.S. is in the midst of a recovery, the banks will keep going higher. That’s just logic, folks! Their balance sheets are in great shape, and most will continue to pay their hefty dividends.

And, if you’re a War Room member, you’ll find out not only what to buy but also when to buy! Click here to join.