An Exciting Two-Part Fed Meeting Trade

As you might know, the Federal Reserve has a big announcement coming up at 2 p.m. tomorrow.

So what’s my plan before this potential market-shifting event?

It’s simple… I’m SITTING ON MY HANDS!

I expect chop, chop and more chop – especially considering the major upside move in the S&P last week. The markets need time to consolidate.

But after the Federal Reserve’s announcement, I’ll be ready to implement my latest trade setup. This one is an exciting two-part move.

Click the image below to see what I’m doing post-FOMC.


I am looking to be fresh and ready to act tomorrow afternoon. I think we will get an initial reaction, probably lower, at 2 p.m. At around 2:30 p.m., if the initial reaction is lower, I will want to buy Netflix (NFLX) to play the 78-minute chart, and I will be looking for a move to close the gap in NFLX around $330.

If the initial reaction is higher at 2 p.m., then I will want to buy SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) puts at around 2:30 p.m. for a fade reaction lower.

Why 2:30 p.m.? Well, that’s when Powell starts speaking, and the markets often react counter to their initial 2 p.m. reaction once Powell starts pontificating.

One small piece of advice that has helped me a lot on my trading journey: You have only so much capital – and I don’t mean just monetary capital. You also have a limited reserve of “mental capital.” Don’t use all your mental capital fighting the algorithms pre-FOMC. Wait for the action… wait for your pitch… and take your shot.

More to come!

P.S. My style of trading works wonders for me. However, you might have a different way of learning how to invest. If you’re looking to discover your own trading style to help you generate consistent profits, I highly recommend checking out The War Room. It’s a community full of traders led by seasoned tacticians Bryan and Karim. They had an 85% win rate in October, and right now they’re guaranteeing 252 winning trades in the first 12 months of membership.

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