Are We in “Santa Claus Rally” Territory?

The markets are pulling back.

And December has never been the month to go “all-in” – at least in my experience.

So I always recommend that traders remain nimble at this time.

But I have two important things I’m looking at right now.

First, I’m keeping an eye on the SPX to see whether it enters “Santa Claus rally” territory.

Second, there’s a chart I’m looking at for a trade setup. There’s not a lot out there right now that catches my eye, but this company does.

Click the video play button below to see why.



We have a nice setup here with Amgen (Nasdaq: AMGN). It has all the components I need for a long play: a trend, a pattern and a squeeze. I’m looking to buy either the December 16 or December 30 $285 calls on a pullback toward $282. The reason I’m suggesting two options here is that I don’t want to give myself options that are too short-dated. I want to give myself at least a week and a half. So, if AMGN doesn’t pull back until next week, I’ll just go further out and buy the month-end options. When selecting an option expiration date, this saying has always helped me – when in doubt, go further out. Basically, there is no penalty for buying options with later expiration dates… they are just a little more expensive.


P.S. Bryan is leading a FREE event tomorrow in which he’ll reveal a brand-new piece of technology. This trading tool is 20 years in the making, and it’s already shown potential for gains as high as 553% – in the same day! Plus, it can unlock infinite trading opportunities you won’t find on any website or through your broker. Trust me, this is an event you won’t want to miss.

Click here to sign up.



“@krahemtulla — Once again, my Emily and myself thank you for your teachings via your ‘Leaps 101′ explanations and guidance, becuz, a few minutes before the close yesterday, 12/1, I took BB’s longstanding advice and profitably sold the second half of our MAG options by executing the following trades:

  1. STC 20 MAG 6/16/23 $15C at $3.30. BOT on 9/26/22 at $1.30;
  2. NET $4,000STC 20 MAG 6/16/23 $12.50 at $4.80.
  3. Also BOT on 9/26/22 at $1.95; Net Profit was $5,700, 147% Average return in 63 days…Pretty Cool!”

– Joe B

“So far have made 29 trades on ProfitSight (since it launched over two weeks ago) 20 wins 4 losses and 5 still open for 25.5% average gain! When market is hopping this new tool is a must!”

– Husker1

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