“The Shocking Truth About Retail Options Trading.”

Hey gang, A whopping 45% of all options trading volume comes from retail traders like you and me. So why has the percentage of traders who turn a profit not changed in decades? Because most of these traders are using options ALL WRONG. I know this for a fact, not just as someone who turned … Continued

If you Check Enough Boxes, Your Success Rate Increases

Editor’s Note: Our very own Millionaire Trader Nate Bear is opening up his popular private chat room for FREE for an entire week. Join him during his FREE Daily Profits Live Open House next week (Sept 9-13th) for a full week of LIVE trading. No credit card… No limits… Just one FULL week of trading. … Continued

“While everyone’s chasing tech unicorns, the real money might be in the companies keeping those unicorns’ lights on.”

The recent Nvidia earnings release, despite its hype, didn’t turn out to be the market-defining event many expected. Interestingly, the Nasdaq rallied even as Nvidia shares initially sold off on Thursday. This outcome underscores a crucial lesson in trading: don’t get too caught up in the news. Often, it’s just noise that can cloud your … Continued

“By focusing on price action and A+ setups, we can tune out the noise and dramatically increase our likelihood of success in trading

Legendary fund manager, Peter Lynch was once quoted as saying “Far more money has been lost by investors preparing for corrections, or trying to anticipate corrections, than has been lost in corrections themselves.” I agree, trying to predict where a stock is headed based on news and current events can be detrimental to your long-term … Continued

Mastering Market Awareness is Easier Than You Think

Hey gang, Over 90% of traders wash out in their first year of trading, none of them for lack of determination. In fact, most had viable trading strategies. So, why did most of them never make it? Quite simply, they lacked market awareness. And it’s a problem I want to help you fix. You see, … Continued