Triple- DLR’s 5-Squeeze Setup is a Screaming Buy Here

The market’s on fire, and I’ve got a setup that’s too hot to ignore. But first, let’s talk about where we are.

The SPY just hit a fresh lifetime high after the Fed announced a half-percent rate cut.

Despite the Consumer Confidence Index taking its biggest dive since August 2021, the market’s still flexing its muscles.

Traders are loving it, and honestly, I’m in full-on bull mode until something changes.

Are there going to be bumps?


But I’ve got my sights set on SPY 600.

Will we get there by year-end?

Maybe, maybe not.

But that’s the direction I’m betting on.

Now, the QQQ isn’t quite as strong – hasn’t hit those all-time highs yet.

But guess what? I think that’s where we’re headed.

So, what am I doing in this environment?

I’m looking for bullish setups, doing bullish scanning, and generally expecting things to go higher.

Remember the old saying, “Don’t fight the Fed”? Well, the Fed’s dovish, so I’m not about to stand in front of that train.

Now, let me introduce you to a setup I’m loving right now: Digital Realty Trust (DLR).

I found this gem using our AI scanning tool, S.A.M.

When you click the image below, you’ll discover:

  • Squeezes galore – not just one, but FIVE different timeframes!
  • A classic pattern emerging – that’s just too good to ignore
  • The sweet spot for entry – it’s all about the volume
  • Why this confluence has got traders buzzing with excitement

Bull Mode



I’m looking to get long DLR as close to $158.40 as possible.

I’m setting my stop just under $156, below the pattern.

My first target is around $163 (the 1.272 extension of the pattern), with a second target at $164.50.

Digital Realty Trust (DLR) chart(Click to enlarge)

For the options play, I’m eyeing the October 18th $160 calls.

Why go out that far?

Simple – I don’t need to try and time this with options expiring this Friday. These October calls have plenty of liquidity and good spreads.

Set an alert for DLR at $158.40.

If triggered, consider entering a position in the October 18th $160 calls.

Use a stop under $156 to manage risk.

Target profits at $163 and $164.50.

Remember, in this market, it pays to be prepared.

That’s why I’ve already set my alerts.

Whether I’m walking my dog or out for a drive, when that alert hits, I know exactly what to do.

I’ve done my homework, and I’m ready to act.

With the right tools, finding setups like this is easy.

In fact, the S.A.M. AI Scanner does a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

If you’d like to discover how this powerful tool can enhance your trading…

Click here to find out more.



“In @ $1.08 out at $0.50 in CCJ, 53% profits in 17 days. Thanks Karim!”
– KSean

“BTO 2@ $3.87; STC 2@ $4.17 in ABBV. Nice; A quick 80 bucks in one day.”
– Joe L

“Nate, thank you for helping us make money again this week. My Family thanks you.”
– BillUL8R

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