How to Make BIG Money From Inflation

Charles Dickens’ novel A Tale of Two Cities begins like this:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

That quote sums up how I see the current economic environment.

It’s the worst of times as inflation wreaks havoc on consumers’ finances…

But it’s also the best of times because the current environment is setting you (and me) up for some great income and capital gains generation in the years ahead.

How big is this opportunity?

Well, let’s just say I’m going almost “all-in.”
I’ve committed 20% or more of my entire net worth to this investment.

For me, this is the biggest single investment I have made in one opportunity.

Here’s why…

For the most part, interest rates hovered pretty close to 1% after the 2008 financial crisis. You may remember this because of what your bank was paying you – and if you’re a retiree, you remember it because of CD rates. All of it was a result of cheap money policy and low inflation.

Today, the environment is totally different. But, before you read any more, here’s the takeaway: This environment will not last.

Interest rates are much higher now – 5% according to the federal funds rate, over 8% according to the prime lending rate and over 6% according to the 30-year mortgage rate.

To put that in perspective, interest rates from a good CD or savings account are hovering over 4.5% right now. That’s huge compared with the 0.25% your savings account was paying you at this time last year.

But the truth is…

These current rates are a short-term trap – don’t fall for it.

Short-term rates being at 4%-plus is great, but it will not last.

That is why you need to focus on longer-term opportunities, where you can lock in 5%-plus dividends and the possibility of massive capital gains as well.

These can be found in specific investments that offer varying levels of safety and predictable returns.

I am making my move right now… and telling my readers to do the same.



You can join me by watching this video, which explains in detail exactly how and why I am investing seven figures into this opportunity. I am putting my money where my mouth is. But I also know this won’t last long, so I’m going to show you my exact portfolio of these investments. This is as simple and straightforward as I can make it for you. So get in now before the Federal Reserve’s next meeting on May 3.

Click here to see how you could profit from this rare opportunity.

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