Humanity’s Next Great Leap

In today’s article, Oxford Club Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green explains how the most successful companies in the world earn the trust of those they lead and those they serve.

Alex recently uncovered such a company. It won a Blue Cross Blue Shield sponsored “Not Impossible Award” for creating new technology for the good of humanity. And the accolades don’t stop there… Fortune magazine also featured it in its elite list of companies that will change the world.

The founder of this company has an incredible story. His perseverance and passion landed him hundreds of millions in backing, most notably from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation… Fidelity… and Baillie Gifford. Some of the smartest money on the planet.

Now his company has created an award-winning device that’s set to impact billions of people worldwide and change the healthcare landscape as we know it. Longtime member of the Oxford Club Bill O’Reilly is even calling it “humanity’s next great leap.”

This little-known company only recently went public and is already raking in tens of millions of dollars.

Trading for under $5, this stock could be the opportunity of a lifetime.

Click here to learn more about this revolutionary tech.

– Ryan Fitzwater, Associate Publisher

There’s an unfortunate narrative making the rounds today that can be summed up in two words: Business sucks.

Academia, the mainstream press, social media and Hollywood regularly promote the idea that business is an unsavory enterprise all about greed, selfishness and exploitation.

We hear it every day…

Those sharks will eat you alive… You have to look out for No. 1… It’s every man for himself… Nice guys finish last.

Remarks like these lead some folks to believe that business success is all about ruthless, backstabbing competition.

Not only between organizations but within them.

Sadly, at some companies this is true. But not at the most successful ones.

Great businesses understand “stakeholder theory,” that to maximize profits you must look out for the interests of everyone who has a stake in the business.

This includes investors, managers, workers, suppliers, customers and communities.

For example, my friend John Mackey is the founder and CEO of Whole Foods.

He took a single small shop in Austin, Texas, and turned it into a chain of more than 500 stores – and what Fortune consistently deems one of “the world’s most admired companies.”

The company was bought by Amazon in 2017, although John remained at the helm until he retired on September 1, 2022.

Aside from building a Fortune 500 company from scratch, John has made it his mission to help rebrand the free enterprise system to reveal its heroic nature.

He made his case in two excellent books, Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business and Conscious Leadership: Elevating Humanity Through Business.

John reminds readers that business is good because it creates value, meeting most of our wants and needs.

It is ethical because it is based on voluntary exchange.

It is noble because it elevates our existence.

And it is heroic because it lifts people out of poverty and creates prosperity.

Visit any Whole Foods outlet and you’ll find something you rarely see outside of an Apple store: rabid customer loyalty.

Whole Foods obsessively seeks out the finest natural and organic foods available and maintains the strictest quality standards in the industry.

And customers know it.

Moreover, employees there regularly tell me it is the best job they’ve ever had.

Whole Foods is about a lot more than selling groceries and making money.

Purpose: More Than Just the Bottom Line

Its Whole Planet Foundation works to alleviate global poverty.

Its Whole Kids Foundation supports schools and inspires families to improve children’s nutrition and wellness.

Its Whole Cities Foundation expands healthy food access and improves nutrition education by partnering with community-led organizations to build thriving local food systems.

And its Sourced for Good program promotes ethical working conditions and a higher-quality natural environment.

Whole Foods is extraordinary in many respects.

How do you build a business like this – or find one like it to invest in?

John insists that the key is to put the company’s purpose first.

Great companies like this are driven not just by a desire for profit – which every business needs to survive and grow – but also by a vision of how they can make a positive contribution to the world.

Conscious leaders act with integrity, holding themselves and their organizations to the highest standards to earn the trust of those they lead and those they serve.

It means committing to learning and growth, not only professionally but also personally.

It means showing genuine appreciation to the people who make success possible.

(Not just through compensation and benefits but in a multitude of tiny, everyday ways.)

It means finding win-win-win solutions to competing interests, whenever possible.

But the first and foremost job of every conscious leader is connecting people to purpose.

Businesses that do this have satisfied employees, dependable suppliers, repeat customers, better reputations, fewer regulatory and legal hassles, greater market shares, and – not least of all – bigger profits.

Action Plan: I recently discovered a new company that’s paving its own way to greatness… and it’s currently trading for less than $5 a share.

The company’s newest technology is set to impact not just millions but billions of people worldwide, and it was started as a passion project.

In the second quarter, revenue rose 16% year over year to $19.2 million.

The scientist-turned-entrepreneur who founded the company had already built three successful businesses when his daughter developed tumors at a young age. He was shocked by how difficult it was to get an accurate and timely diagnosis.

Thankfully, doctors were eventually able to find a treatment. But the experience left this scientist with a new mission in life: to create a revolutionary diagnostic tool that would ensure that maladies – like his daughter’s – could be spotted and treated earlier.

After securing funding by investing $20 million of his own money and hundreds of millions more from some of the smartest money on the planet… he successfully created one of the smallest, most powerful and highest-resolution instant ultrasound devices available on the market.

Talk about purpose – to create a real, world-altering breakthrough… humanity’s next giant leap forward.

This medical breakthrough could be the greatest early investing opportunity of the century. And the company’s stock is selling for under $5.

This is your chance to get in early and at a discount.

Good investing,


Fun Fact Friday

As the markets continue to struggle, investors are wondering how it will all play out. Will markets bottom in October before entering a Santa Claus rally? Or do we have more bottoms to come? Check out the chart below. It shows Goldman Sachs’ projection of how a “hard landing” and a “soft landing” would impact markets. As you can see, a soft landing by year’s end would have the S&P at 3,600, and a hard landing would have it at 3,400. And in either scenario, the projection doesn’t see markets rebounding until mid-2023.


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