“I’ll be targeting more potential winners like APP during my Open House next week.”

Editor’s Note: Our Lead Technical Tactician Nate bear has been trading like gangbusters in 2025.

He closed 4 winners in Daily Profits Live last Friday, including three massive 300%+ winners on Applovin (APP) in 1 trading day.

And starting next week, we’re offering you teh chance to trade alongside Nate for FREE as he targets more big winners like APP.

Nate is opening up the doors to Daily Profits Live on Feb 24-28 as part of his Daily Profits Live Open House.

This is a rare opportunity to receive all of Nate’s live trade recommendations for an entire trading week – at no cost to you.

Click here to reserve your spot today.

  • Ryan Fitzwater, Publisher

Last Friday, I kicked off my morning of trading in Daily Profits Live with one important phrase…

“Don’t lose your butt on a Friday.”

When you start trading and making profits, it’s your goal to keep those profits and not overextend yourself.

And I saw one lotto opportunity with Applovin (APP).

Here’s a recap of Friday’s trade.

A Triple Digit Winner on AppLovin in 20 minutes

I love trading lottos on Fridays.

Often times a catalyst could send a stock soaring – and that’s we gogt on APP.

I had just bought an option on APP at $.54, and the chart started firing off.

The stock moved all the way up to $5.70 for a 550% gain.

Between the 3 options, that’s a 1000% gain in about 20 minutes.

Below you’ll see the total returns for all the APP options legs.

This is the beauty of trading options – they give you the chance for major gains like I had with APP.

And my TPS system is designed to find potential winning chart setups.

And if you want a chance to trade alongside me for free, I have a special announcement below.

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