My Top Prediction for 2024

Editor’s Note: With earnings season underway, our tacticians, Bryan Bottarelli and Karim Rahemtulla, have been preparing for a massive week of trade opportunities.

And in today’s video, Bryan is sharing his top prediction for 2024.

Plus, next week, for two days ONLY, he and Karim are offering a FREE TWO-DAY FAST PASS, where you’ll get…

  • Their “2024 Predictions” presentation, featuring their best trades for the year
  • A chance to get Bryan’s top Overnight Trade recommendation
  • Market commentary and analysis (and any other fast trades!).

The War Room Fast Pass

In short… this War Room Fast Pass allows you to get access to every post, every research comment and every single trade.

Click Here to Sign Up FREE!

– Ryan Fitzwater, Publisher

The 2024 trading season is picking up steam.

And in today’s video, I share my #1 bullish sector for 2024.

With interest rate cuts coming, I believe this sector has a chance to crush this year.

Click the image below to see my top sector pick:

My Top 2024 Prediction



Next week, Karim and I will be hosting a special FREE event for you to check out. On January 30-31, we’ll be letting people into The War Room for FREE for two whole days.

It’s part of our first “War Room Fast Pass” event.

And with over 400 companies reporting earnings, I promise to have plenty of buying opportunities for you.

Click here to get on the guest list for our first War Room Fast Pass today. No credit card required.



Out With the Old, in With the New. January is named after the Roman god Janus, the god of doors and gates. Janus had two faces, one looking forward and the other looking backward, which represented looking back at the previous year and forward to the new year. That makes “January” a fitting name for the first month of the year!

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