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Wakeup Watchlist Content
My Top Watchlist Pick for the 2024 Election
Editor’s Note: Welcome to the new Wake-Up Watchlist. We’re changing up the game h...
How to Find Order in the Market’s Chaos
Discover how to navigate market unpredictability by recognizing powerful stock patterns...
Wakeup Watchlist Content
Power Problems…
Good Morning Wake-Up Watchlisters! While you’re sipping coffee you’ll see stock futures...
Unlock The Power of Seasonal Trading
Most investors look for simple solutions to problems they see outside their windows


Wakeup Watchlist Content
Calm After the Storm…
Good Morning Wake-Up Watchlisters! While you’re sipping coffee you’ll see stock futures...
More Inflation After 2024 Election?
This quote from Vice Presidential Nominee JD Vance could be a telling sign.
Wakeup Watchlist Content
Cloud Company Pops 15%
Attention Traders: Today is the day. Our Head Trading Tactician Bryan Bottarelli will b...
A Hotel Stock with a Squeeze
My scanner just picked up this A+ setup and I’m looking for entry before earnings on Ju...


Are the Best Day Trades Overnight?
I never wanted to be the guy who became too comfortable with my way of doing things… …b...
Wakeup Watchlist Content
Attention Traders: Tomorrow our Head Trading Tactician Bryan Bottarelli will be doing a...