September Pullback? This Stock Doesn’t Care

Editor’s Note: Time is running out.

Next Monday, our Lead Technical Tactician Nate Bear is giving subscribers FREE access to all of his trades for 5 straight days as part of his Daily Profits Live Open House.

Last time Nate opened up Daily Profits Live, attendees had the opportunity to make a trade on RILY that lead to a 1,128.92% return in two trading days!

And next week Nate will be looking for a similar trading opportunities.

Click here to sign up for Nate’s Daily Profits Live Open House for FREE today.

Ryan Fitzwater, Publisher

September has historically been a weak month for stocks.

Yesterday the indexes held true to that stat and got off to a slow start.

The Dow Jones slid 1% or over 400 points, and the S&P fell 1.4, respectively.

Because of the slide, I was looking for stocks that didn’t care about the recent pullback.

And thanks to my S.A.M. Scanner, I found the perfect candidate.

The ticker on my watchlist was Post Holdings (POST).

As you’ll see in the chart above, POST clearly doesn’t care the market is pulling back. It’s been trending upward and has a year-to-date gain of 31.4%.

It also closed at $115.77 on Friday, which was near its recently achieved 52-week high of $117.24. That’s impressive momentum.

But what really stood out to me on POST was its chart. It had four A+ squeezes, meaning the stock was in rest mode and the volatility was compressing. I saw this as the perfect time to get in before it continues its next uptrend.

I ended up buying the calls on POST and closing the trade later that day for a 15% gain in less than 1 trading day.

Action Plan: With September starting off slow, I’m only focusing on A+ setups and right now in Daily Profits Live. I’ll be looking at more potential trades on POST.

P.S. If you’d like to see more realtime trade ideas like POST in action, I have an exciting announcement for you.

Next week I’ll be opening the doors to my Daily Profits Live chatroom for FREE for 5 straight days.

It’s all part of my Daily Profits Live Open House.

I’ve only given FREE access to my live trading platform once this year. Back in April, open house attendees had the opportunity to make a trade on B. Riley Financial (RILY) that lead to a 1,128.92% return in two trading days!

And I will be looking for more of these big trade opportunities in next week’s open house.

Don’t miss out on this free opportunity to join me for FREE for 5 days and get access to another massive potential winner.

Click here to get on the guest list to Daily Profits Live Open House today.

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