The Most Reliable Trading Strategy I’ve Ever Developed

Last week I revealed my newest trading strategy at our Gift Gap Summit event.

If you missed it, click here to watch the replay.

The event was a huge success.

We had attendees from all around the world, and they all came with one common goal – to make money in these volatile markets.

Which is why it was the perfect time to reveal my latest trade strategy – Gift Gaps.

You see… for years I focused on trading W and M patterns back when I traded on Chicago Board of Exchange.

But I recently discovered another, even more powerful trading trigger that could lead to even bigger wins. All in less time and with less effort on your part.

I call these trades “Gift Gaps,” and they’re designed to take advantage of market corrections and turn them into consistent winning trades.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock… you know overcorrections are happening more often thanks to increased market anxiety.

Just last week, dock workers were on strike at a major US port.

There’s an election coming up.

We’ve had multiple hurricanes in the gulf and Atlantic in just two weeks.

There’s also still ongoing geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and Russia and Ukraine.

So yeah… there’s lots going on.

But as a trader, I’ve discovered a way to use this market anxiety to my advantage if a stock tanks during an overreaction.

Plus, when you combine these Gift Gap trades with our unique AI stock tracker, you can find these trade setups effortlessly.

Here’s what one of our War Room members, RickR, had to say about the software…


The best part is… these gift gap trading opportunities happen all the time.

Our data shows there have been thousands of opportunities to make these trades over the last 5 years.

In fact, last week we took a winner on ALLY using this strategy.

Chart: ALLY Fills the Gap

As you’ll see in the chart above, ALLY had gapped down, and then started to fill that gap over the last few weeks. This is a classic example of a Gift Gap trade.

And my new Scanner picked up on this opportunity. After our live demo event, I opened a trade on ALLY on this new gift gap.

We were able to take profits on this setup up for an overnight gain of 21.13%!

Many War Room members who got positioned on ALLY did even better.

Here’s what a few of them had to say…








The Gift Gap strategy is the perfect way to take advantage of current market anxiety, and if you want to see how it all works, I invite you to watch the replay of the Gift Gap Summit event here.

In the video, we’ll walk you through the entire Gift Gap strategy, including the biggest trigger we look for before entering a Gift Gap trade. You’ll also see how our back-tested data achieved a 97% win rate with these trades, which is why I’m calling it my “most reliable strategy ever.”

Click here to watch the Gift Gap Summit event here.

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