Welltower presents a bullish opportunity

Make no mistake about it, finding a great setup in this tape has become a challenge.

Luckily, I don’t have to manually sift through hundreds of sharts to find one.

The S.A.M. Scanner does it for me.

And believe it or not, I was able to find a compelling setup, despite all the volatility we had.

Again, I can’t stress how important it is to use your tools in extreme market volatility.

It’s easy to get emotional, especially when the talking heads are trying to inject max fear into you.

I still believe it’s important to stay selective and focus on risk management.

But I can’t ignore what I’ve seen in Welltower Inc. (WELL)…

And you shouldn’t either.

Despite all major indices being down over the last month.

Welltower is actually up.

What is Welltower Inc?

Welltower Inc. is a real estate investment trust (REIT) that primarily invests in healthcare infrastructure, focusing on senior housing, post-acute care facilities, and outpatient medical properties.

The company acquires, develops, and manages these healthcare-related real estate properties, providing essential facilities for healthcare providers and senior living communities while generating income for its investors through property leases and partnerships.

Why do I like it so much?

Unlike most charts you pull up, it is still in a bullish trend.

Well above its 20,50, and 200-day simple moving averages.

Moreover, my S.A.M Scanner rated it an A+ setup on the 78-minute, and 1-hour chart yesterday morning.

It also had a “squeeze” on a 2 and 4 hour chart.

Making it a valid TPS setup.

Action Plan: I’m long WELL call options in my Daily Profits Live Portfolio, with a target at $116 and $118. And a stop on close under $110.

If you’d like to learn more about what and how I trade in Daily Profits Live, check this out.

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