Why Gold Isn’t Spiking Right Now

Editor’s Note: Reminder, Trade of the Day readers…

For the first time ever, I’m doing a LIVE War Room Demo… 100% FREE!

Join us on Thursday, August 4, at 2 p.m. ET.

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I’ll personally show you what makes our live chatroom the biggest breakthrough in financial research on the planet. Plus, we’ll have a Q&A where I’ll take your questions LIVE. I’ll even reveal a special $300 discount for anyone who attends.

Note: Our Zoom room is limited to 1,000 participants. Spots are first come, first served!

-Ryan Fitzwater, Associate Publisher


Inflation is at a 40-year high.

Yet gold – one of the safest inflation hedges historically – isn’t soaring.

What gives?

In today’s “Zoom Room” edition of Trade Talk Tuesdays, we talk about why gold is falling despite inflation going up.

We also go over what you should do as an investor to take advantage of this situation.

Click the video below to learn more.


Action Plan: If gold is broken, there needs to be a better way to find value. We’ve put together an entire TED Talk-style presentation touting The Last Great Value Stock. There probably isn’t a better time to invest in this company than right now. It’s currently trading at less than $2, and you can find out what it is by clicking below.

Click here to unlock The Last Great Value Stock.

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