Why I’m Buying This 3-month Trigger Catalyst
You might’ve noticed more political ads hitting your YouTube streams.
Especially since current President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and new nominee Kamala Harris raised a bunch of money to run her ads.
This ad spend frenzy will only get more intense as we inch closer to Election Day in November.
And right now I want to show you a company that stands to gain from this battle.
It goes by the name Trade Desk (TTD).
Earlier this week, I mentioned Trade Desk as one of my top watchlist picks in our Wake-Up Watchlist newsletter. So far I’ve already closed one winning trade on it in The War Room.
Now I’m looking to reload as the political ad spend continues.
If you didn’t know, Trade Desk is one of the leaders for ad placements for the streaming media sector. It targets you with ads based on your media streaming habits.
For example, if you’re watching House of Dragons on HBO Max, and you only want to see ads that are targeted to what you’re watching, Trade Desk sends you ads that make sense with what you watch.
Now – with the political war chests getting filled and politicians seeking to get elected or re-elected – I believe we are going to see more money going towards their ad spend.
From now until November, this ad spend will serve as a 3-month trigger that we can ride with Trade Desk. I could even see us riding the wave until the end of the year.
As you’ll see in the chart below, Trade Desk is currently on a dip with the recent tech sell off. I think now is the perfect time to get in on the stock at a bargain.
One thing Wall Street also loves is growth. Trade Desk is currently averaging 20% revenue growth per year, and its projecting 24% growth in 2024.
Wall Street places a premium on high-growth companies, and we’re moving right into the ad sweet spot for a trigger catalyst on top of it.
Trade Desk (TTD) is hitting on all cylinders right now, and yesterday I issued a new trade on the company in Catalyst Cash-Outs. We’ve been on fire in Cashouts this month, with a 100% win rate on all 4 of our trades. Don’t miss this next opportunity on Trade Desk before the election frenzy ramps up.
Click here to unlock our latest TTD trade today.