Why I’m Going Long on This Tech Stock

The markets are choppy.

But one tech stock has a strong setup.

I’ll show you exactly why I’m looking to get long on it in today’s video.

Plus, I’ll be showing a key trading concept we can use when a market index gets to an ATR (average true range) of +3.

Click the image below to watch.

The Tech Stock I'm Going Long On



I think Netflix (Nasdaq: NFLX) is going to be a leader, and I’m looking to get long and stay long in this name. I have a symmetry zone between $357 and $359, so I’d like to buy the June 16 $375 calls on a pullback to that zone and look for a move toward $400.

NFLX Chart(Click to enlarge)

P.S. With most stocks down right now, it can be tempting to sit on the sidelines and avoid trading… but that’s a mistake. The truth is there’s a small group of stocks that are still performing well, and it’s vital to focus on these stocks because of their potential to beat the S&P 500 and drastically outpace inflation.

To see how I’m trading these select stocks, I invite you to join me in Daily Profits Live. I’m currently on a mission to turn $37,000 into $1 million in verified trading profits.

Click here to start trading alongside me.



“I followed your lead but a lower call to lower my cash investment. 38.50c [on PFE] in at $.65 out $.91 for 40% return [in less than one trading day]. Thanks Bryan.”
– JackG1

“In TWLO 16 Jun 48 calls at $2.80. Out at $3.57 for a 27% overnight gain. Thanks Bryan. Thanks War Room.”
– Tlee9999

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