How We Rang the Register on This AI “Pick and Shovel” Play

Nvidia is a hot topic with earnings coming up.

And I hope you can join me for my Nvidia’s One Day Super Trade event next Tuesday – where I will reveal a unique trade that could deliver 235% gains overnight, whether Nvidia goes up or down!

While we wait for that highly anticipated earnings release… there’s another AI play that I want to cover that has been surging since its earnings release three weeks ago.

In fact… I wrote about this AI pick and shovel play right here in Trade of the Day well before this stock rocketed higher. It was back on March 22nd that I identified this opportunity to you.

Since then, we’ve already hit our 25% profit target on this ticker in our Catalyst Cash-Outs Live portfolio. And just this morning, I reminded members to sell half of their position and ring the register.

We are letting the rest ride cause this pick has plenty more room to run.

The company is called Vertiv Holdings (NYSE: VRT).

Few have heard of it, but in the world of AI wonders like Nvidia and AMD, I believe it’s poised to become a major player.

You see… Vertiv is a leading provider of power and cooling infrastructure, which is critical to the growth of AI.

That’s why I made VRT one of my “pick and shovel” plays back in March in the midst of the AI gold rush.

VRT Trending Up



We’ve already hit our 25% profit target in Catalyst Cash-Outs on VRT, but I believe this company still has room to grow. To see how I plan to play the rest of this under-the-radar AI stock, I recommend joining Karim and I in Catalyst Cash-Outs.

Click here to unlock our VRT trade and entire Catalyst Cash-Outs portfolio today.

P.S. Reminder: I’m going live next Tuesday to announce my trading strategy on Nvidia ahead of its earnings. I’ll be targeting 235% overnight gains on its release.

Click here to sign up for the FREE event today.

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