A Turkey Day Trade for You

With indexes currently overbought, I’m still waiting on a pullback.

But in the meantime, there’s a solid chart I’m looking to trade on.

This one could be especially potent as Black Friday looms.

Click the image below to get this week’s trade.




Target (NYSE: TGT) has a great 78-minute chart and just had a big earnings beat. With the holiday shopping season ramping up, I’d like to buy the December 29 $130 calls. I’ll target a move toward $140, and I’ll stop out of the trade if TGT closes below the $125 area.

Target (TGT) chart(Click to enlarge)

If you want to see how I trade more post-earnings surges in real time, I recommend joining me in Profit Surge Trader. That’s where you’ll see how I trade ONE TICKER in real time over and over again for maximum potential profits.

Click here to unlock “One Ticker Payouts.”

P.S. I love answering your questions. It’s the best and most rewarding part of my gig. If you have a ticker or chart you want me to break down – or just a general trading question – please email me at feedback@monumenttradersalliance.com. I’ll let you know my thoughts on a few submissions in a future video.



“Shop BTO 2 at $0.50 STC $0.72 net +$42.68 [in less than one trading day] Thanks NateB.”
– CalS

“I closed the 1 shares/contracts I opened at $102.34 for $61.66. +40% in 3 weeks, thanks Karim! Trade was closed 11-09-23 with CARR: $51.18/share.”
– Robert D5

“I closed the 1 Shares/Contracts I opened [on CSCO] at $2.40 for $5.61. STC Strangle at $5.61, good for 134% overnight gain. Thank You Bryan B!!!”
– BoomerMC

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