Meet the Experts
Bryan Bottarelli
Head Trade Tactician

Whether it was selling the Star Wars figures he collected as a little boy for 50 times their value or using $125 of grass-cutting money to buy a Michael Jordan rookie card that he later sold for $1,500, it was clear Bryan Bottarelli was a born trader – possessing the unique ability to identify opportunities and leverage those investments.
Graduating with a business degree from the highly rated Indiana University Kelley School of Business, Bryan got his first job out of college trading stock options on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). There he was mentored by one of the country’s top floor traders in the heart of the technology boom from 1999 to 2000 – trading in the crowded and lively Apple computer pit. Executing his trades in real time, Bryan learned to identify and implement some of his most powerful trading secrets… secrets that rarely make their way outside the CBOE to individual traders.
Recognizing the true value of these methods, Bryan tapped into his entrepreneurial spirit to take a risk. He walked off the CBOE floor and launched his own independent trading research service called Bottarelli Research. From February 2006 to December 2018, Bryan gave his precise trading instructions to a small, elite group – most of which joined him on day one and have been followers ever since.
As a so-called “play tactician,” Bryan uses his hands-on knowledge of floor trading to shape opportunities and chart formations into elegant, powerful and profitable recommendations. And by using the same hedging techniques taught by professional floor traders, Bryan is able to deliver his readers remarkable gain opportunities while strictly limiting their total risk.
Along the way, Bryan has developed a cumulative track record that could impress even the most successful hedge fund manager.
He now spends his days moderating one of the most elite trading research forums ever created, The War Room.
Karim Rahemtulla
Head Fundamental Tactician

Karim began his trading career early… very early. While attending boarding school in England, he recognized the value of the homemade snacks his mom sent to him every semester and sold them for a profit to his fellow classmates who were trying to avoid the horrendous British food.
He then graduated to stocks and options, becoming one of the youngest CFOs of a brokerage and trading firm that cleared through Bear Stearns in the late 1980s. There he learned his trading skills from veterans of the business. They had already made their mistakes, and he recognized the value of the strategies they were using late in their careers.
Educated in England, Canada and the United States, Karim’s fluent in several languages. His undergraduate studies were completed in economics and foreign languages. His graduate studies resulted in a master’s degree in finance. Karim travels the world regularly, seeking out the best investment opportunities.
As co-founder and chief options strategist for the groundbreaking publication Wall Street Daily, Karim turned to LEAPS and put selling strategies to help members capture gains. After that, he honed his strategies for readers of Automatic Trading Millionaire, where he didn’t record a single realized loss on 37 recommendations over an 18-month period.
While even he admits the record is not the norm, it showcases the effectiveness of a sound trading strategy.
His focus is on “smart” trading. Using volatility and proprietary probability modeling as his guideposts, he makes investments where risk and reward are defined ahead of time.
Today, Karim is all about lowering risk while enhancing returns using strategies such as LEAPS trading, spread trading, put selling and, of course, small cap investing. His background as the head of The Supper Club gives him unique insight into low market cap companies, and he brings his 30 years of experience into the daily chats of The War Room.
Karim is the author of the best-selling book Where in the World Should I Invest?
Nate Bear
Head Technical Tactician

Nate graduated from Georgia Tech in 2005 with a bachelor’s in building construction. From there, he went straight into the 9-to-5 grind, the everyday suit-and-tie life. Two years later, he threw off the corporate shackles and started his own small business.
Managing his business, United States Permit, from home gave him room to dabble in trading. He started slowly in 2008, trading with just a $1,000 account.
Like most beginning traders, Nate struggled at first. He made costly mistakes… blowing up that first $1,000 account and even another $10,000 account. But despite these initial setbacks, he was intent on learning from his mistakes – he was too hooked on trading to quit.
Then, in 2015, his son was born, and Nate realized the core reason he wanted to be a successful trader. For Nate… it wasn’t about money. He wanted to quit the 60-hour grind of running a small business. From that point on, he was committed to figuring out how to make serious money from trading so he could spend more time with his family.
The biggest pivot for Nate was to think of trading like a business. He needed a system that would deliver consistent wins… not just a couple of wins here and there. The next step in his trading journey was finding a trading community, connecting with successful traders and learning from their advice. Most importantly, by working with these other veteran traders… he discovered a trading system that worked.
From there, things took off. Nate started making more money from trading than from his building business. He started trading full time in 2016, and within a couple of years, his trading portfolio had surpassed $1 million. It was clear he had found the key to pro trading success.
In the meantime, Nate’s family continued to grow. At one point, they had six people and three dogs living in a 1,200-square-foot home.
But as his work-from-home trading career took off, it allowed his family to relocate to an area with amazing schools and move into a much bigger house – more than triple the size of their previous one.
Nate vividly remembers the first time he sat down at the dinner table in his new home…
“It was like a huge glass of ice water after a long walk in the desert.”
Since then, trading has been Nate’s full-time gig, and he loves it. He has also started livestreaming his own trades to teach others his pro techniques and help them change their financial fates.
When Monument Traders Alliance approached Nate with the opportunity to teach and guide new traders in our growing network, he jumped at the chance. It reminded him of all the advice his mentors had given him years earlier, and he wanted to pay it forward.
That’s why Nate is excited to help people through his trading community, Daily Profits Live. Every day the markets are open, he shares the insights he’s learned over his trading career and helps others avoid the costly mistakes he made when he was starting out. He’s constantly sharing winning strategies, real-time setups and actionable advice, as well as educating brand-new traders on how they can make trading a business for themselves. His goal is to make his trading community the same “glass of water in the desert” that changed his life