An “A+” Pre-Earnings Squeeze Play

After a week of volatility, the indexes bounced back thanks to strong tech earnings.

But I’m not trying to guess which direction the market will go from here.

Instead, I’m looking for bullish setups using my own DPS Scanner.

And in today’s video, I have a new trade setup with an “A+” chart and a daily squeeze.

Click the image below to get the trade.

Will ELF Soon Track the Downside Move of Ulta?



Costco (COST) has a daily squeeze and an “A+” setup according to my chart tracking system. It also has earnings coming up, so right now I’m looking for a run higher into earnings and for the squeeze to keep firing along. Earnings are scheduled for May 30, so I’m using the 5/31 expiration with prices around the $717-723 buy zone.

Costco (COST) Chart(Click to enlarge)

For more trade setups like these, I recommend joining me in Profit Surge Trader. With earnings in full swing, I’m following the “post-earnings surge” pattern to trade ONE TICKER over and over again for maximum potential gains. I have an 87.5% win rate in 2024 with this service, and there’s still time to get access to my next pick on Monday, May 6.

Click here to join One Ticker Payouts today.

P.S. I love answering your questions. It’s the best and most rewarding part of my gig. If you have a ticker or chart you want me to break down – or just a general trading question – please email me at I’ll let you know my thoughts on a few submissions in a future video.



“Here’s a summary of what I did with RILY. Got into a swing trade (May 17 25C) on 3-29 and 4-6 for an average entry price of 2.60 (4 contracts). Sold two on Tuesday @ 8.40 for more than a double, sold one yesterday @ 10.10 and just sold the last one @ 12.70 for a total gain on the trade of $2945 (in 2 trading days). Made $310 on other trades in RILY. I love this room!! Thanks Nate B.”
– Spaceman Snoopy

“SNAP In 1.59 out 3.40 quick double (113% overnight gain) thanks BB TDOC waiting.”
– Jack M

“In @ 1.85 on 2-9-24 out @ 0.77 for a 57.8% win (on NEM in 93 trading days). Thanks again Karim.”
– dave1st1ret