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My Top Ai “Pick and Shovel” Pick
Hint: It’s not Nvidia, AMD or any of the other “big name” chipmakers you’re seeing in t...
Wakeup Watchlist Content
Shoe Company Dips in Premarket
Good Morning Wake-Up Watchlisters! Feel the pull of Friday gains. Stock futures were up...
Spreading the Wealth With This Trading Strategy
How to use Calendar Spreads to Minimize Risk and Increase Chances of Success
Wakeup Watchlist Content
Don’t Gamble on the Fed… Do This Instead
By Nate Bear, Lead Technical Tactician Before yesterday’s Fed announcement, I saw that ...


Wakeup Watchlist Content
No News Is Good News…
Good Morning Wake-Up Watchlisters! While you’re sipping coffee you’ll see stock futures...
Trade of the Day Plus Content
This Might Be My Coolest Pick Ever!
Let's get into an AI pick-and-shovel play.
Wakeup Watchlist Content
Biden: Here’s $8.5 Billion…
Good Morning Wake-Up Watchlisters! While you’re sipping coffee you’ll see stock futures...
Why I Like This Car Retailer’s Chart
We got a squeeze, a pattern and a momentum shift so the green flags are there.


Wakeup Watchlist Content
Why Netflix Was a Better Trade Setup Than Nvidia Last Week
Hey gang, These are the types of markets that I absolutely LOVE! I wake up most days an...
Wakeup Watchlist Content
Pharma Company Pops 95%
Good Morning Wake-Up Watchlisters! While you’re sipping coffee you’ll see stock futures...