Get This Stock While It’s on Sale!

Special Note: We told you about Biogen on Monday. We told you to join The War Room and get into the trade. Now here we are two days later, and Biogen is blasting off. Those who joined us are taking massive gains… in less than 38 hours! If you put off joining because you were wondering how we’ve been managing this volatile market, then wait no longer. The proof is in the profits… Join us now!

Now on to today’s episode and pick.

It’s storm watching season here in central Florida… and in the markets too.

If the market instability causes the stock I have for you today to drop, I want to double our position.

At the price point I have in mind, the stock would be entering “superb bargain” territory, and I think we would make huge profits.

Check out today’s video below:

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- Trade of the Day Plus