Two Reasons Bloomin’ Brands Yields Fat Profits

Last Friday I wrote to you about Bloomin’ Brands (Nasdaq: BLMN) when it was trading for around $14.

You could have bought it around that price all day Monday!

However, the next morning, two analysts upgraded Bloomin’ Brands, and the stock shot up to more than $16 per share.

War Room members were ready and jumped in for some fat profits. I hope you were able to jump in on Monday after reading my article!

If you did, cash out now!

Take a look at what members had to say about the trade…

“79% gain.” – Mccauley

“In at $1.24, out at $2.10 (69%).” – Russ M.

“Out at $2.20 48% return. Thanks.” – Keith H.

Those are some nice gains thanks to some on-the-ground investigative work that involved visiting a few Bloomin’ Brands locations in person!

I can tell you this… The fries were pretty darn good!

Visiting several locations and canvassing members about locations near them was not the only reason I recommended buying Bloomin’ Brands. In fact, that was the second-most-important reason behind the purchase.

The first reason had to do with the huge amounts of insider buying I noticed. If you recall, members already took one win on Bloomin’ Brands when they bought in at $9.

When I follow something, I get all the information that comes along with the trade. That first buy in at $9 put the shares on my screen, and I saw all the insider buying as the filings came in.

Action Plan: This is the huge benefit of being a War Room member

Receiving real-time, actionable information long before the regular investor gets it.

Isn’t it time you joined this exclusive, unique trading community of like-minded investors and enjoyed some delicious profits right alongside us? Join now!

P.S. Want to know what trades Bryan and I believe to be the absolute best? Sit back, relax and watch an engaging video once a week that will give you our top trading pick! We’ll tell you everything you need to know, including when to sell! Stay tuned for the release of our brand-new Trade of the Day Plus service coming this September!